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Dunkeld Atholl Brose

'ATHOLL BROSE IS A GIANT'S DRINK' (Sir Bruce Lockhart, 1951)

Brose has been drunk in the Highlands since time immemorial, but a curious tradition is attached to the invention of 'Atholl Brose'.

Bottles of Atholl Brose Late in 1745 a sentence of death and forfeiture was pronounced upon John, last Lord of the Isles. The Earls of Atholl and Crawford commanded a formidable sea-bourne expedition into the West to enforce the sentence, and the rebellious Lord took to the hills.

The Earl of Atholl discovered where the fugitive was drawing his water, and ordered that the well be filled with a mixture of whisky, honey and oatmeal so as to beguile him into staying put while he brought up reinforcements. The ploy succeeded, Lord John was captured and 'Atholl Brose' came into being.

Our own Atholl Brose is made to a ancient and secret recipe which replaces the oatmeal with certain herbs and uses only fine 12 year old malt whisky. It is a delectable nectar, often drunk after dinner or as a night-cap, and much favoured as a restorative by sportsmen in the field.

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