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Connoisseurs Choice

In 1980, 114 malt distilleries were in production; in 1995 there were just 85. Some of these distilleries have been completely closed with no plans to re-open them; others have temporarily ceased production, i.e. 'mothballed'. The reasons for the closures are varied, but it would be a great pity if the malt whiskies produced by these distilleries were lost forever. Each one has its own unique and distinctive characteristics which could never be recreated by another distillery.

Connoisseurs Choice Whiskies - Old style labelFor years, we have made a policy of buying malts in bulk from distilleries, maturing them and bottling them, therefore saving many of them from extinction. You will find most under the Connoisseurs Choice label.

Under this single brand name, but distinguished by their labels - we offer over forty single malts. Some of the distileries are still in production, some mothballed, some now closed and some no longer in existence.

Ardbeg, one of the most pungent of Islay whiskies, silent for a short period at the end of the 1980's is now happily back in production. From the capital of the Highlands, Millburn and Glen Albyn. Millburn can still be seen as you pull out of the railway station but it is now a restaurant. Glen Albyn was closed in 1983 and was demolished in 1988 to make way for a car-park. Three Lowland distilleries are available under the Connoisseurs Choice range - Bladnoch, Rosebank (both mothballed) & St. Magdalene (closed in 1983 and the site re-developed into flats.)

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