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Murray, Jim
Classic Irish Whiskey
Books Ltd. , ISBN 1-85375-241-X , GBP12.99 , First Published 1994 , 256 Pages, 18 x
9,5 cm, Hard Cover
Irish whiskey, once the world's choice, even over Scotch, is now
enjoying a well - deserved renaissance as interest and the choice available blossom.
Classic Irish Whiskey, the definitive and only guide to Irish, is a fascinating grand tour
of the distilleries, brands and characters, past and present, that make Irish whiskey what
it is today. Jim Murray's peerless tasting notes on every brand available worldwide - an A
- Z, from well - established favourites like Jameson and Bushmills to Ireland's best kept
secrets - and his authoritative introductions to the history and making of Irish whiskey
make this essential reading for the connoisseur and novice alike.