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Murray, Jim
Irish Whiskey Almanac
Wilson Publishing LTD, ISBN 1-897784-33-3, GBP 6.99, First Published 1994, 159
Pages, 18 x 9,5 cm, Hard Cover
AT LAST! What every discerning whiskey (and whisky!) drinker in the
world has been waiting for - the first ever tasting guide to Irish Whiskey. Authoritative,
comprehensive and compelling, never before has Ireland's natural spirit been revealed in
such detail as in Jim Murray's Irish Whiskey Almanac. Every brand available
world-wide from the established, ever popular Jameson and Bushmills through the embryonic
independent Tyrconnell and the rare vintage bottlings from Wm Cadenhead of Tullamore and
Powers to the almost unobtainable Coleraine single malt, is placed under expert scrutiny
by the author who reveals their innermost secrets with detailed, easy to follow tasting
notes. And that is not all because in this essential guide you will also find:
· The history of whiskey making in Ireland.
· How Irish Whiskey is made today.
· Distillery and brand histories.
· Pot still, pure malt and blended whiskeys.
· Rare vintage bottlings.
· Irish whiskey liqueurs.
· Poteen.
· Visitor facilities on Ireland's whiskey trail.
For the essential journey through Ireland's wonderful whiskeys, you
will need no more than Jim Murray's Irish Whiskey Almanac.