Alternative Whisky Academy (In Danish : Alternativt Whisky Akademi) was founded Ultimo 1997 and established the 28 of February 1998.
We are a local group of whisky enthusiasts in Denmark, with a great passion for whisky, whiskey, bourbon, malt, blended whisky, rye or any thing alike.

A special thanks to our web sponsor :
Hosting our website - to your benefit. (Creator is a Danish IT company - IT Total supplier - IT solutions - Multimedia solutions etc.)
(Everything else is paid by the members of AWA.)

The sponsorship by Creator stops very soon - We are looking for a new sponsor to host or pay for this website.
If you or someone you know are interested in hosting our web - please do not hesitate sending us an e-mail : awa@awa.dk
We will return your favour / sponsorship with you company logo and link on every page (Min 250 pages)

Average Number of Hits per Day 6550 - Average Nr of Page Views Per Day 763 - Average Nr of User Sessions per Day 307 and increasing every day.

Yes : This is a private - none commercial - independent - none selling - whisky site done in our sparetime - on private basis.
No money is involved. Even you don't have to pay us a single dime. (unless you wish to be a sponsor)
So why are we making this whisky web site ? : (Here is a short cut from our rules and regulations.)

Our purpose it to give knowledge to, and to inform about whisky to the Danish people and the rest of the world.
Further more it is AWA's purpose to give members and guests the possibility to taste different types of whisky or at least test notes, information of the production process, the history about whisky and everything else about whisky
AWA's formål er at udbrede kendskabet til, samt at informerer om whisky til den Danske befolkning samt resten af verden.
Yderligere er det AWA's formål at give medlemmer samt gæster mulighed for at smage de forskellige typer af whiskyer eller smagsnotater, give information om fremstillingsprocesser, whiskyens historie og andet der måtte have relevans til whisky.

With this web site we try to collect as much information about whisky as possible for your satisfaction only.
We will try to give the source on any information on this site, not breaking any copyright.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all credits and copyright are listed, we apologize for any omissions.
Please remember : This is a none commercial, no profit, none selling and private whisky web site.
We have no benefits or profit of this site at all, the most of the information on these pages is collected from Whisky books, other whisky sites, commercials or where ever it was possible.

Usually there is a © Copyright on text and pictures and all rights are reserved. - To get permission to use, copy or distribute documents and related graphics available from this whisky Web site, we recommend you to ask the vendor / owner.
This web site is meant to be for your personal use and satisfaction only.

Further more the site is made in our spare time, so please give us time to build it.
If you have any information, help or suggestions do not hesitate to mail us.

If you wish to add a link from your webpage to this site - banner, logo / instructions are availible here.

We hope you enjoy our site.

Slainte and Whiskycheers from:


The Main Whisky page.
Links to other whisky sites.
The ultimative whisky index
Whisky Shops, stores and bars around the world.
List over Whisky books
About whisky. The history
List over Whisky distillers, producers and distributors
Jokes and quotes with or about whisky.
News and announcment of new files on this site.
The whisky test page
Send your comment !

AWA - Alternative Whisky Academy is a private non-commercial, non-profit, non-selling whisky society.

http://www.awa.dk This site is hosted by