Whisky DetectivesBlenders began to notice it during the 1970s, and by 1985 it was clear that something had to be done: almost a quarter of the aged malt whiskies they wanted to use in their blends were turning out to be immature when they were sampled prior to disgorging.
Stand by your DramAt those traditional gatherings, when the drinks tray was offered round, it was expected of men that they should reach for a glass of whisky. It was never, however, expected of women that they should do so too. Oh no.
The Language of Whisky Tasting: A Chemist SpeaksSingle malt whiskies are chemically complex and are known to contain several hundreds of individual components (congeners) including a variety of alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters and phenols, as well as carbonyl-, sulphur- and nitrogen-containing compounds. Many of these contribute to the flavour... |